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Saturday, April 20

The True Story: What we didn't no about the Tsarnaev Brothers

The couple have a three-year-old daughter called Zahara
Tamerlan spent every weekend with Katherine's family at their suburban Rhode Island home
Bomber's aunt says: 'He has a wife in Boston and from a Christian family, so you can't tie it to religion...he found his love, he married, he had a daughter, and he was very happy about his daughter.'

The devastated family of the wife of Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev say 'our hearts are sickened' by the terror and tragedy the young Chechen unleashed on America.

Tsarnaev has a three-year-old daughter called Zahara with Katherine Russell, 24, who converted to Islam for her husband, MailOnline revealed.
Katherine's parents, Judith and Warren issued an emotional statement following the terror attack that left three dead and 176 injured, saying:
'Our daughter has lost her husband today, the father of her child.
'We cannot begin to comprehend how this horrible tragedy occurred. In the aftermath of the Patriot's Day horror, we know that we never really knew Tamerlane Tsarnaev
'Our hearts are sickened by the knowledge of the horror he has inflicted.'

The statement was read by Mrs Russell and when asked how her daughter was getting on, she shook her head and said: 'There's nothing for me to say'.

Tamerlane who was shot dead by cops last night – was regularly seen at his wife's family home in Rhode Island.
As neighbours even spoke of their shock at waking up to see Katherine's home being raided by the FBI and cops before dawn this morning.

One of the Homeland security cars remained parked by the house. And asked if Katherine had been questioned, the agents refused to comment, but confirmed: 'We are keeping an eye on the house'

A man, believed to be Katherine's father, Warren Russell, said: 'We have no comment at this time.'
While a brunette, thought to be one of Katherine's two younger sisters, was earlier comforted by a friend, saying: 'No comment.'
One neighbour told how Katherine - who also uses the last name Tsarnaeva - converted to Islam shortly after starting school at Suffolk University in Boston, saying she believed the couple were married.
Speaking from the quiet suburb, the neighbour said: ‘I knew Katherine was married and she had converted to Islam.
‘She went away to college about three or four years ago and I saw her a year later and she was dressed in the Islamic style. Her hair was covered and she was wearing very baggy, flowy clothing.’
The neighbour said: ‘I saw Katherine with a man and I assumed this was her partner. They came up most weekends and had Massachusetts licence plates on their car, so I thought they lived in Boston and came home at the weekends to see her family.
‘They were always together and had a little girl, who must be about three now.’

Officials say Tamerlan and his younger brother, Dzhokhar - refugees from the Caucasus region - were the men behind the horrific terrorist attack that took the lives of three and left 176 injured during the Boston Marathon on Monday.
Hours before his death, Tamerlan called his uncle and asked for forgiveness - revealing the news of his young family.
Alvi Tsarnaev revealed that his nephew phoned him Thursday night for the first time in about two years.

The call came at 7 p.m., just a couple of hours before Tamerlan was shot dead.
"He said, 'I love you and forgive me,' " said Alvi Tsarnaev, who lives in Montgomery Village, Md.
"We were not talking for a long time because there were some problems," he said, without elaborating. "We were not happy with each other."
They spoke for about five minutes, he said. Tamerlan, who is Muslim, started out by saying, "Salam Aleikum," an Arabic greeting meaning "peace on you." He then praised his uncle for keeping up with his Muslim prayers.
They talked about family and Alvi said: "I told him I was praying to Allah, not drinking, not smoking, and he told me he was happy," he said. "He was asking, 'Did you pay your mortgage?' I told him I was trying to pay. I asked him what he was doing. He said, 'I fix cars, I got married, got a baby.

Tamerlan was an avid boxer and spent a lot of time training for competitions, according to Johannes Hirn, who posted a photo essay entitled ‘Will Box for Passport’ on his page on

Representing New England in 2010 National Golden Gloves competition in Utah, Tamerlan Tsarnaev dreamed of being ‘selected for the US Olympic team and be [a] naturalized American.’
‘Unless his native Chechnya becomes independent, Tamerlan says he would rather compete for the United States than for Russia,’
The photo essay also reveals that Tsarnaev had a half-Italian, half-Portuguese girlfriend who had converted to Islam, that he drove a Mercedes and loved the movie 'Borat.'

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