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Friday, May 24

Hollywood/Nickelodeon Star Arrested and taken to the Psychiatrist

Amanda Bynes may finally get the help many believe she needs, after she was reportedly arrested in her Manhattan apartment and taken for a psychiatric evaluation on Thursday night.

According to NBC News, police officers were responding to reports of a disorderly person, and when they arrived at the 27-year-old's West 47th Street apartment, the former Nickelodeon star allegedly threw a bong out the window.

Bynes was arrested and charged with reckless endangerment and taken to Roosevelt Hospital to undergo a psychiatric evaluation before heading to a Midtown precinct to be processed.

A source close to Bynes told TMZ that police were called because the former actress was showing signs of disturbing behavior, including talking to herself. According to the website, when the police showed up she lost it and began yelling, "Don't you know who I am?"

The former child actress has been exhibiting increasingly erratic behavior over the past year, starting with a series of car accidents and DUI arrests.

Bynes moved from Los Angeles to New York this past September, and while the move has kept her off the road, it hasn't kept her out of trouble. Over the past few months, Bynes was reportedly kicked out of various gyms for strange behavior and most recently for allegedly smoking pot in the women's locker room.

The self-professed retired millionaire has been very vocal about denying allegations of her alarming behavior, and has taken to Twitter to deny various claims, as well as admit to having plastic surgery, suffering from an eating disorder, and threatening to sue nearly every tabloid and magazine that wrote about her.

Throughout all of this, there have been reports that Bynes' family is understandably very worried about her well-being, but have been powerless to do anything since she's an adult, and there is little they can legally do to ensure she seeks help.

The actress' most recent arrest, as unfortunate as it might be, may also be the key to getting Bynes the professional help she's clearly so desperate for.

The Associated Press reports that it was a building official who called police to complain that Bynes was smoking marijuana and rolling a joint in the building's lobby. When cops went to Bynes' apartment they saw heavy smoke and a bong, which Bynes then threw out the window in front of the officers.

Source: Daily Mail

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